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Post-Globalized Companies - ThinkTank

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This initiative is launched by corporate policy-makers who are willing to make their companies more resilient in a world which is not global anymore.

We are worried by the turn that the current policies of global companies are taking. Today we, the corporate policy-makers, increasingly share the same lifestyles and political opinions, whatever the global company we work for. This leads to a dangerous standardization of ideals and challenges. As a consequence, the current corporate policies only tackle the challenges which are relevant for the policy-makers themselves, and forget about other challenges which are crucial for billions of other people, such as the fear to lose your identity in a globalized context.

Such biased points of view can lead to financial and image loss for our companies, as huge amounts of money are engaged in strategies which do no really reflect the needs and worries of people others than ours. We indeed do believe that becoming activists companies is slowly disconnecting us from the needs of our stakeholders. Inclusion, though, is trendy today: but what is the point to include different genders and skin colors if we all end up thinking the same?

At the end of the day, our companies are increasingly making policies in the name of the « good », or better said in the name of our « good »: but do we, companies, have the right to define what is « good » and what is « bad » ? And what about the negative outcomes of such strategies for our companies? How not to be considered, indeed, with such mindset, as intrusive authoritarian powers by stakeholders who are increasingly localized?

Our review is simple. Globalized companies will not be sustainable in a post-globalized era. Globalized companies will not be responsible in a post-globalized era. Post-globalized companies will. It is thus crucial to start creating a new kind of corporate policies, better adapted to the new world context, and better including the local contexts. To do so, it is crucial to reduce the increasing gaps between our global corporate teams and the rest of the world, for matters of legitimacy, diversity, efficiency and resilience.

To do so, we are aiming to develop, test and promote a new kind of corporate policies: respectful of local communities’ needs, rights and views -even when those do not match with our own needs and views- and including a wider diversity of opinions into the decision making.

This group is aiming to provide a first range of thoughts and objectives as basis of further calls to action and policies.


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  • October 21, 2020


  • Frantz Dhers

    Created by

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